As the title of this blog bluntly implies, I make pickles. Normally I make what I call "Louisiana Bread and Butter," and "Cajun Onions." I use these for the Tchoup Shop, the B and B's are used for hot dogs, sausages and the like and I use the pickled onions for the Cajun Burger to sort of replace ketchup. I decided to start developing a spicy pickled green bean because they are the staple in a real New Orleans Bloody Mary, and I thought that it would be a nice touch for DBA to have a custom pickle for their already fantastic Bloodys.
Last night I made my first version and, since I have no patience at all, I popped a jar this morning to taste them. I realize that the flavor will develop more in the coming weeks, but I am off to good start! Most people use dill in these, I love tarragon and decided to use that. I was going to originally use chipotle chilis, but decided to use Thai chilis since I was in Chinatown and they were there. I added smoked paprika because I wanted some sweet heat to match up with the tarragon, and coriander as a principle aromatic, and it is working quite well. What I ended up with was a very tasty, mildly smokey and spicy, crunchy pickle. I am pretty happy with it, but am going to continue to tweak it a bit. I am going to add some onion and some more garlic and I am thinking about adding some lemon peel. I will update the changes next week when I have a chance to pickle stuff again. (I only used 18 chilis, but am going to go ahead and double that number now because I think that they should be hotter!)
I wanted to share the recipe in case anyone wants to try making some. They are really, really easy to make as most pickles are. The thing to keep in mind is to keep them as sterile as possible and to process them for an adequate time. Anyway, here is the recipe:
3 # Green or yellow beans, as straight as possible
12 ea cloves of garlic, sliced in 1/8" pieces and then blanched for 1 minute (this is important because it will oxidize and turn green in the vinegar)
36 ea Thai chilis, washed and halved lengthwise
6 ea Bay Leaves
6 sprig fresh Tarragon
3 tsp celery seed
2 TB coriander seed
2 TB smoked paprika
3 cu cider vinegar
3 cu water
1/3 cu Kosher salt
1/4 cu granulated sugar
6 1 pint mason jars with bands and new lids
In each jar add the following:
6 Thai chilis
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp celery seed
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp smoked paprika
divide the garlic up evenly between jars
Wash and trim beans so that they will fit in the jars leaving 1/2 " of head space.
Place beans in jar so they are somewhat tight and standing on end.
Add the tarragon.
prepare the brine:
put the vinegar, water, sugar and salt in a saucepan (stainless steel, aluminum and iron leech out into the acid)
Bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar and salt
Now, you want to ladle the brine into the jars, but it is important to make the jars warm first so the hot liquid wont crack the glass. You can do this by heating them in a water bath before you fill them, by placing them in the oven for a minute or two or having some warm water in a pan that you can set them in (with out tipping them over) to warm them.
You should also heat the lids in water, this softens the plastisol gasket so your lid will form a good vacuum during processing, very very important. If you don't then water will leech in and dilute the PH of the brine which could cause a huge problem, Botulism is deadly.
pour the brine into the filled, warm jars. You need enough to cover the beans, but leave 1/2" head space minimum at the top.
Screw on the lids finger tight and then a little bit more.
Process the pickles in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, covered. You want to make sure that the water covers the jars completely, this will require a big tall pot!
After 10 minutes, remove lid, turn off the flame, and let the jars sit for 5 minutes. Remove from water and allow to cool.
You want to make sure that a vacuum is achieved and you can tell because the safety button on the lid will be indented when they are completely cool. They should now be shelf stable as long as they are kept in a cool, dark place-sunlight and heat and pickles don't get along.
Try your best to let them age for about 3 weeks. The flavor will be good the next day, but will be even better in a few weeks.
Eat them as a snack, accompany with cheese or pate, or for the end goal--a tasty New Orleans style Bloody Mary!!!!!
hey could we do this as a 'refrigerator pickle' i.e. not process the jars but make sure to eat each bean before say a week or two is up?
ReplyDeleteThanks Simon. Looking forward to coming sometimes when I move to NY. Jose